It seems many people still use Winamp to listen to the stream.
Two weeks ago, my radio software SAM Broadcaster began to create unaccaptable bad sound and I wasn't able to solve it. So I looked for an alternative and found a nice freeware: RadioDJ. Because the AltaCast plugin didn't work with the AAC+ encoder, I needed to connect RadioDJ to the stand-alone version of AltaCast via a virtual audio cable (VB-Audio). Getting it running was a rather painful experience.
But I got complaints from Winamp users being not able to listen to the stream anymore. So I requested some technical support to get SAM Broadcaster running again. This is how it looks, btw., a user interface style from 20 years ago:
I think, I will switch to a Linux server somewhere in the far future and use Opus instead of AAC+. Hopefully more people have abandoned Winamp by then. But maybe bandwidth will be cheap enough to provide a mp3 stream for nostalgic reasons. :-p
eben mal aus versehen den link angeschmissen in meiner playlist und es lief wieder *g*
ich hjoffe aber das es noch lange l?uft mit winamp auch wenn die software schon "?lter" ist.
clementine hat zwar den stream gespielt war aber ansonsten eher mau...