If you ever wondered about what the one behind this radio is doing for bread and butter -- I'm currently in the happy situation to get paid for working on something I belive in:
It's kind of Flattr for music, but not on basis of just another web music service.
Dark Ambient Radio participates in the crowdfunding of C3S, a collecting society for the digital age!
Most dark ambient music producers are not as aware of the copyright aspects of their work as they should -- many seem to not care at all. A nice attitude that suits the dinosaur institutions, which are failing to adapt to modern times' music production, dissemination, and consumtion processes. But independent little web radios have 'to face the music' in the corporate world and bear the unfair distribution of assets.
A ray of hope comes in the form of an emerging new collecting society, which is currently in a critical state in it's startup process. If you are European resident and a music producer, consider to apply for a membership and take part in the crowdfunding (go to http://www.startnext.de/en/c3s, click on the Investment tab, select the number of shares you want -- usually one -- and send the filled-out membership application 'Mustervertrag' to Startnext.de). It is also possible to become a supportive member, if you are not a music producer.
Click on 'mehr lesen' below for some official PR text -- to learn more about C3S.
Though C3S plans to unfold at an European level, the founding process concentrates on Germany in the moment. So the following is in German language, sorry. For the German-speaking, please press on 'mehr lesen '.
Die C3S ist die Neugr?ndung einer Verwertungsgesellschaft f?r Musik und zielt darauf ab die Monopolstellung der GEMA zu beseitigen. Die Zeit ist reif: 2013 will die GEMA eine neue Geb?hrenordnung einf?hren, die das Aus f?r viele Clubs bedeutet. ... -> mehr lesen
@Goten Fixed this side effect of the new php version. Note: In Firefox (or IceCat) any stream link with a semicolon at the end will play directly in the browser, here http://s3.viastrea ming.net:8835/;