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DAR Compilation Vol. 3
Listen to some soundbites

Review auf Medienkonverter
Review auf Kulturterrorismus
Review on Winter Light blog
Review on Synth&Sequences
Recension sur Guts of Darkness
Review on Damned by Light
Review on Chain D.L.K.

Dark Ambient Radio Vol. 3

Available at your favorite regional mailorder:

Order at Minor Minor
Order at Winter Light Winter Light (NL)
DAR Compilation Vol. 2
Sound samples on MySpace

Review auf Kulturterrorismus
Review auf Necroweb
Rese?a de Mentenebre
Review auf Medienkonverter
Review on Gothtronic
Review auf Club Debil

Dark Ambient Radio Vol. 2

Available at your favorite regional mailorder:

Order at Minor Minor
Order at Winter Light Winter Light (NL)
DAR Compilation Vol. 1
Sound samples on MySpace

Review auf Kulturterrorismus
Review auf Medienkonverter
Review on gothtronic.com
Review auf necroweb.de
Review auf Club Debil
Rese?a de Mentenebre

Compilation includes tracks by Ah Cama-Soz & All Sides, Dark Muse & Nihil Communication, Evoke Scurvee, False Mirror, Megatone, Mytrip, Nagual Art, Phelios, Phobos, Stephen Parsick, and Svartsinn

Available at your favorite mailorder:
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Participation Conditions
Just as a reminder and for better accessability, here are again the participation conditions.


Note: There are no obligations whatsoever involved by applying here (other than agreeing to become C3S member at some point in time before your contributed track appears on the official tracklist).

To reveal some more background information about the forthcoming comp:

* Intention: Apart from releasing high quality state-of-the-art dark ambient, Vol. 4 wants to support the European collecting society C3S and the idea of creative commons licenses in general.
* Financing: As my initial financing contribution for vol. 1-3 slowly returns, I intend to completely re-invest it in Vol. 4. You won't have to take part in the funding in any way. Your only investment will be 50? for a C3S share to become member of the collecting society.
* License: You may choose any license (including 'all rights reserved'Wink but you are encouraged to choose a CC license. Vol. 4 will be marked as 'commercial release', so you will receive revenues, if you opt for a CC NC license. Note that I don't want to inhibit completely self-organized releases like Vol. 1-3 under the Dark Ambient Radio label. I only want to reserve 'Vol. 4' as the release title.
* Media form: Audio CD
* Selection process: In case there are more tracks submitted than would fit on the CD, a double-anonymous voting among contributing artists will decide what tracks end up on the CD.
* C3S-Membership: As a C3S activist, the primary occasion for me to push this release is to support the build-up of the first Europe-wide collecting society that actively furthers CC licenses and embraces modern information technology rather than fearing it. With the planned micropayment approach, I also see the chance that C3S wouldn't only cover 'commercially interesting' acts, but also underground music like dark ambient. You can apply for the C3S membership here or read the English Manifesto to learn more about it.
* Release date: not before 2016. The C3S is still in the founding phase, which starts in Germany, and needs the approval of German authorities. For this, the C3S needs to gather 3,000 members who add repertoire (currently ~1,000 have already become members or signed statements of intent). Also the technical infrastructure will be deployed not before 2015.

Lets take our time to work on great DA tracks and celebrate the birth of the first information age compatible collection society with an outstanding release!
Update 2021:

The above is just for historical reasons. The Vol.4 project was canceled as half of the participants (including me) wasn't able to deliver a wav file.

Note: I'm still involved in building the C3S. It all took longer than expected. But the software made good progress recently ( see https://mliftw.c3s.cc ) and we are currently working intensively to finalize the business plan till June. But I no longer want to

Anyway, there was the idea of doing a comp as an online-only release on Bandcamp -- which would also be a perfect occasion for bringing Vol.1-3 to Bandcamp. So I deleted some outdated threads and opened the Dar Vol.4 forum to the public. Feel free to do anything you like here, especially producing a self-organized release.

Have much fun & inspiration -- and unleash the power of self-organization! Cool
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20-02-2025 09:40
@Goten Fixed this side effect of the new php version. Note: In Firefox (or IceCat) any stream link with a semicolon at the end will play directly in the browser, here http://s3.viastrea

19-02-2025 20:48
Hello! No more links for streaming with Firefox? Shock My favourite radio station for over ten years...

15-02-2025 23:54
Looks good!

10-02-2025 17:03
The webspace transfer included some kind of archaeological reconstruction. Bear with me.

17-01-2025 13:24
Going to move the webspace. If something behaves weird the next days, you know why.

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