Magnitude, yes... I was surprised when I heard that mastermind Bill Leeb's Project Delerium has been more successful in economic terms than his 'original' Project Frontline Assembly.
If you like, check out the albums by the sideproject [url=]Synasthesia
[/url], which are even more softer and lighter than Delerium.
Also consider Download. Delerium relates to Frontline Assembly like Download to Skinny Puppy. Of course, you have to know that Bill Leeb participated in the first Skinny Puppy releases before founding Frontline Assembly.
Btw.: Saw Frontline at the Mera Luna last year, and must admit he's not really polite to his audience -- to say at least... heard that he sent a double to another concert before. Better lock him in a studio producing nice tunes for Delerium... Bearbeitet von DarkAmbient am 23-01-2007 12:44
Thanks for the lesson! I didn't know that Leeb had been a part of Skinny Puppy. But on the other hand, Skinny Puppy isn't really up my alley.
Download is something that I would like to hear more. Another great ambient station ─ besides DAR and ─ SomaFM's Drone Zone has played some Download and Synaesthesia, and I have to say I liked 'em both.
And one thing I believe without a doubt is that Delerium has indeed made some of that sweet sweet cash for mr. Leeb! Just think about the HUGE success of "Silence" and the massive trance remix by the Dutch DJ/producer Ti?sto.
Bearbeitet von The Large am 24-01-2007 18:10
@Goten Fixed this side effect of the new php version. Note: In Firefox (or IceCat) any stream link with a semicolon at the end will play directly in the browser, here http://s3.viastrea;