Ich w?rde ja gern mehr als vier St?cke ins Programm aufnehmen, aber auf Anfrage beim Projekt selbst bekam ich nur einen Link auf einen Life-Mitschnitt einer Noise-Party. Werds nochmal bei einem Label versuchen.
Cisfinitum schien Ende letztes Jahr zusammen mit Troum mal in Deutschland getourt zu haben -- schade, h?tte ich mir gern mal angeh?rt. Irgendwie erfahre ich von den meisten Sachen immer erst danach und so bald d?rften sie lange Anreise aus Russland wohl nicht wiederholen... Bearbeitet von DarkAmbient am 09-08-2006 00:11
"Composed, recorded and mixed by Evgeny Voronovsky, 2003-2005
Using soviet synths: ANS, Polyvox, RMIF-TI3, Faemi Mini, Yunost-21,
Formanta UDS, Venetz AP-01 processor, Tom 1501, LM 1229 delay
Other instruments: violin, accordion, SP-303, SP-808, piano, voice, samples and tapes"
Album-Info und offizielle Presse-Info zu Bezdna:
"New album of Moscow-based project Cisfinitum is the experiment in more emotional rather than in musical domain. Deep and profound, it's touching the most dark corners of human soul and takes it to the imaginary otherworlds. This peculiar quality of Cisfinitum music is achieved through extensive use of soviet analogue synthesizers (ANS, Polyvox, Yunost-21, Formanta amongst others), but the spiritual beauty of "Bezdna" is also created by violin and omnipresent voices. Psychoactive dark ambient combined with melodic incantations.
'Bezdna' is transliteration of russian word that means hellhole. This album is like the look into future, which override curiosity by fear and constraint. The eerie atmosphere is getting even more dark because of guideline loss. No more chances left that it will ever be found again. The music is like to feel one's way, it gives you the clear statement of imminent disaster which can occur at any moment. On the more personal level, it can symbolize disappointment. But we can't witness disaster - stepping over the crucial moment, we just fall into prostration, where dreams become memories. The final part of album contains very depressive but solid and dense images, which forms the final impression of this album. It comprises yearning, insularity, deep mental drama, something usually hidden from public while going down with the weight sitting heavy on the heart. The reflexive aspiration for loneliness, raptured in despair, bring you to the somehow loss of gravity."
Weitere Infos von Monochrome Vision zum Projekt:
"Cisfinitum is the most promising project from Moscow. For some years, nothing was released except two CDRs, both distributed by obscure Insofar Vapour Bulk label through small like-minded mailorders (Drone Records always supported them and released 7" recently). The origins of Cisfinitum can be found in the first one, '0 vs. 0' - compilation of early tapes marked by the sign of conceptual radicalism. The second one, 'Landschaft', is most acclaimed up to date, premium quality dark ambient sounscapes divided into 4 parts. It combines atonality and melody, faded colours and crispness, psychological issues and lo-fi sound attitude. This unique approach credited by broken semiprofessional gear, soviet analogue synths, acoustic instruments and musique concr?te elements. Cisfinitum means the system of 0 categories, invented by soviet paradoxical writer and philosopher Daniel Harms. The neolatin word 'cisfinitum' can be translated also as 'endless non-existence logic' and denotes irrational philosophical-mathematical system. This is the system of developing and iteration for irrational segments, which are containing in some relative entities with null factor. The descending numbers aren't restricted but embraced by null. This null-based scale of notation is defined by cisfinitum exploration. Unlike 'Landschaft', the next 'Malgyl' is more aggressive and diverse in terms of sound. Ultra dark and oppressive atmosphere is alternates with ataractic melodic fragments in Maeror Tri or Bad Sector type of vein. This 50-minutes long industrial symphony was intended to be released by Musica Maxima Magnetica, but still delayed. The most recent production of Cisfinitum is enchanced-CD 'V', released in 2003 by Waystyx and distributed by Cold Lands, presents the audiochemy methods, amalgamating classical compositions and tonal noise into continuos flow of sound. The music of Cisfinitum is physically exceptional, alienated, impartial. It takes you to the point of existance negation, where the time stops and world ending. Long-term state transitions, unexpected dynamic outbursts, desolate spaces, mind-frightening and psychoactive trainings... The sound quality turned inside out, fine introspection took over the belligerence. Something like sci-fi soundtracks from 80s - cold, dark and mysterious, but open-minded, challenging and realistic."
Dank an Dmitry Vasilyev von Monochrome Vision f?r Musik und Infos.
Bearbeitet von DarkAmbient am 28-09-2006 01:29
@Goten Fixed this side effect of the new php version. Note: In Firefox (or IceCat) any stream link with a semicolon at the end will play directly in the browser, here http://s3.viastrea ming.net:8835/;