25-04-07: "Never Heared Before" Special on Dark Ambient Radio
Phelios |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 19:15

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Registriert am: 24 Jun : 06:55
You can download the EP here: www.tonatom.de
or get the CD with four more tracks here: www.phelios.de
Christian Stritzel plays the Theremin which is hard to recognise in some parts because he uses a lot of effect units. :-) |
The Large |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 19:19

Beiträge: 112
Registriert am: 22 Jan : 10:49
Wow! Martin, this sounds awesome. Three thumbs up! (thanks to Chernobyl '86) ?) Uhh... |
The Large |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 19:23

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Registriert am: 22 Jan : 10:49
I got somewhat same feelings from "Sinking in Sideways" and this track... Deep, slowly drifting; moving to an unknown place, perhaps? And now "Schweifend" got all steveroachy ─ which is always a good sign! 
giwari |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 19:27

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Registriert am: 14 Mär : 15:01
@The Large
Oh, I fear it is better for your -ears-, I depend on my german speech feeling and speak german ! |
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 19:28

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Hmm, what was that? |
The Large |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 19:28

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Registriert am: 22 Jan : 10:49
Yeah, what could be more nice than effecting and editing the crap out of sounds! You always gotta keep on coming with new and fresh ideas ─ no matter how zany or off-the-wall they might seem! |
The Large |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 19:31

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Registriert am: 22 Jan : 10:49
giwari ? OK, I just lost the trail here... Nevermind. |
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 19:36

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Hat noch jemand anderes diese Aussetzer? |
Phelios |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 19:37

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Registriert am: 24 Jun : 06:55
ja |
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 19:42

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Mist... Ausweichadresse:http://957.no-ip.org:8800/listen.pls
Aber nur 4 slots...
Bearbeitet von DarkAmbient am 25-04-2007 19:42
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 19:42

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Track Imagomundi from Megatones recent work. Info from Marcel:
"The tracks are Reflection On Calm Water - a short but interesting track, in which I was partly inspired by H.R. Giger's creation, Imago Mundi Nova, Eye Of The Storm - with egyptian influences, Space Station, The Core and Thunder.
In the mean time, my new album Mulberry Forest Voyage has been released on label Krakilsk in Norway - www.krakilsk.org"
Marcel from Megatone is user megatone
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 19:42

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Ah Cama-Sotz and Iszoloscope collaborated again in 2006 to produce a nice new DA album "Camanecroszcope, Echoes Ov A Beckoning Arcanum" from which you hear the track ...
Herman from Ah-Cama Sotz is user Camanecro
The Large |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 19:44

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Registriert am: 22 Jan : 10:49
Ah-Cama Sotz r52; Ahhh... |
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 19:45

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Vielleicht die Methode, wie mein Streaming-Provider die Transferbandbreite auf einem mittleren Ma? h?lte...  |
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 19:46

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Now it's time to all swallow our vitamin pills. 
As some of you requested, there is finally new stuff from Evoke Scurvee. I received six tracks, three of them quite different versions of tracks from the debut, and more tracks are expected. The ID3 info says they are from the album 'Nine Muses', which obviously never has been released. Micha, are these versions from an unreleased album or do you plan a new release?
I've had a hard time to decide which track to play. Here come the new 'female lament' version and 'reed-solomon'. Enjoy!
Michael from Evoke Scurvee is user goettel
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 19:55

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Registriert am: 08 Feb : 03:48
some more throbbing sounds now...
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 19:55

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Stephen Parsick from ['ramp] recently has sent me lots of stuff (thanks!). From "doombient.two - a declaration of war" you hear the tracks "Slow Deaths" and "Ground Zero". (I would consider "Slow Deaths" a masterpiece on how to create the most tense an creepy athmosphear ... but listen by yourself.) Prepare to hear lots of stuff from ['ramp] and Stephens Solo albums on this stream in the future!
Stephen Parsick is user Tektonik
Frank from ['ramp] is user xcenter
giwari |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 19:58

Beiträge: 96
Registriert am: 14 Mär : 15:01
evoke scurvee : Das war jetzt fat ! da biegen sich die W?nde - bitte mehr davon!!!!! |
BlackAleph |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 20:03

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Registriert am: 30 Jun : 16:47
und ich wunder mich die ganze zeit schon was da in der playlist steht...
?rising khaos thru komplexity?
The Large |
Geschrieben am 25-04-2007 20:04

Beiträge: 112
Registriert am: 22 Jan : 10:49
This sounds ─ once again ─ a bit like Steve Roach. Ancient, jungle, Incas, Mayas, Aztecs, Pyramids come to my mind...
Bearbeitet von The Large am 25-04-2007 20:06