ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 28-12-2008 07:32

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A I already replied to magatone that I think it's consent that the sole prerequisite should be a a decent quality of your contribution. But I don't doubt you will come up with another funny idea like your man eater track on vol 1. 
Anyhow, if someone doesn't feel he/she would be able to provide a high quality, cutting-edge dark ambient masterpiece because you have a creative crisis, there should be still time to ask for help, make a collaboration track out of it if someone else is interested to fill in what is lacking. Just a suggestion. Because I remember for vol 1 Synthetic Mind Decay withdraw his track because he thought it was not good enough. Retrospectively I wished we had offered support (even if it came in handy as we crossed the 80 minutes CD limit). That much collective spirit should be possible for a community product like the comp, I think.
volador |
Geschrieben am 28-12-2008 08:51

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Registriert am: 14 Jul : 09:52
Yes, that's it. But I mean - as you wrote - the deadline (next autumn) is quite far away so that any crisis should be fixed then... 
Me for myself is good with the idea to make a DVD-Audio (Stereo) ... I have no idea about the costs but with 500 pieces it should be makable, I think...
vile |
Geschrieben am 28-12-2008 10:09

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Registriert am: 04 Feb : 20:17
Arkhitektur Noir from Bulgaria is willing to take place, he's currently recording new material so I guess he could make it for vol. 2!
Bearbeitet von vile am 28-12-2008 10:09
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 28-12-2008 12:35

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Zitat volador schrieb:
Yes, that's it. But I mean - as you wrote - the deadline (next autumn) is quite far away so that any crisis should be fixed then... 
Won't be fixed by then. Nevermind. Dark Future is good for Dark Ambient business... 
Zitat Me for myself is good with the idea to make a DVD-Audio (Stereo) ... I have no idea about the costs but with 500 pieces it should be makable, I think...
Should be cheaper than a 2CD. And I really would favor this format if we get more than 73 minutes. Especially for this kind of music I find 24 bit suitable. I waited long till I found the courage to normalize the whole radio program to 84 dB, thus effectively cutting away some bits of most songs. And there are still tracks with clipping, but they are now negligible. This is acceptable for a web radio sending medium quality compressed music. 24 bit is just more freedom. You won't have to do this manic mix-to-max thing.
Very nice addition, will Arkhitektur Noir show up here in person to say hello? |
Tektonik |
Geschrieben am 28-12-2008 12:53

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Registriert am: 25 Feb : 19:46
As much as I loved the idea of DARC Vol. 1 being a showcase for unknown and not-so-well-known artists, I would recommend asking some of the major names for contributions. First of all, this is something potential buyers may be looking for, secondly it might produce some pull for the Vol. 1 album that it benefits from the interest stirred by Vol. 2. Brian Williams, Robert Rich, Steve Roach, Thomas K?ner, Andrew Lagowski, Chris Carter... they?ve all got websites and contact forms there .
"Wer sich am kommerziellen Musikgeschmack orientiert, dient der Reaktion." (Einst?rzende Neubauten, 1981)
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 28-12-2008 15:30

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Agreed. So would you care about those six names? I will then ask Peter Andersson of Raison d'?tre, Geir Jennsen of Biosphere, Brett Smith of Caul, Ulf S?derberg of Sephiroth, Johan Levin of Desiderii Marginis, and the guys of Herbst 9.
[Edit.: Ok, done. Some projects have an account here and will be notified about our decampment when I send out the mailing -- as are all of the initial vol. 1 participants. There are many other projects that come to my mind... e.g. Kammarheit... but you know for yourself. Just contact them after you announced it here.
Bearbeitet von DarkAmbient am 28-12-2008 16:22
Doomcore |
Geschrieben am 28-12-2008 17:14

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Registriert am: 20 Feb : 22:02
| would be great to release a track on same cd with all those famous and well known names.... _0_ Especialy Biosphere....
Bearbeitet von Doomcore am 28-12-2008 17:15
Arkhitektur Noir |
Geschrieben am 28-12-2008 19:29

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Registriert am: 28 Dez : 19:19
Hello! I just want to say that you can count me in for the compilation. |
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 28-12-2008 20:05

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Registriert am: 08 Feb : 03:48
Welcome! Curious about what you plan to contribute. Nice samples on your myspace.
Bearbeitet von DarkAmbient am 28-12-2008 20:06
CrepusculaR |
Geschrieben am 29-12-2008 06:46

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Registriert am: 27 Dez : 05:39
Iits better to put all the music into one single unit, in order to keep continuity of the whole album listening.
About sound quality I agree with all the above statements. The more professional its the right way to make a difference over the low quality 'dark ambient' albums that are in the scene. Some times, the low-fi recordings ( named 'raw' ) are just an excuse for low-fi ideas and no imagination.
I prefer quality and transparency into the sound, so all things will be visible enhancing sensations and expression into a proper technical environment.
About art/visuals maybe we can suggest graphs/drawings/paints and choose an artist to coordinate all of them ( or the selected ones) under a cohesive concept.
Well known and respected artists with unknows name ( i.e. me ) together in the same album its a fabulous idea.
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 29-12-2008 08:50

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Registriert am: 08 Feb : 03:48
Good idea with the boolket design! So we need someone to 'master' the artwork.
I have just sent out a mailing to all registerd to this website. |
Phelios |
Geschrieben am 29-12-2008 09:05

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Registriert am: 24 Jun : 06:55
Zitat DarkAmbient schrieb:
I will then ask Peter Andersson of Raison d'?tre, Geir Jennsen of Biosphere, Brett Smith of Caul, Ulf S?derberg of Sephiroth, Johan Levin of Desiderii Marginis, and the guys of Herbst 9.
Oh, if Caul agrees I will shoot myself! |
vile |
Geschrieben am 29-12-2008 11:04

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Registriert am: 04 Feb : 20:17
And this will result in no phelios track, then a shot in my head which means - no mytrip song... Damn what a vicious DA circle... (Maaan, posting from a psp surely is a challenge) |
Kaesentod-chan |
Geschrieben am 29-12-2008 11:18

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Registriert am: 29 Dez : 10:51
Hmm, just got that mail, forgot about volume 1. I will order it*.
Maybe I should get into this one if my music fits your style, a lot of people tell me it's either too noisy, monotonous, and harsh in some tracks and too polished, cute, and short in others.
Some samples of my work:
* Not from Loki it seems. A catalogue in a .doc format... what even makes them think every-one has Word? Plain text suffices, maybe hypertext but if you want rich text use .rtf. Why people use .doc if the .rtf format is a complete superset, is older and is an open standard and not proprietary is beyond me...
/rant. |
Doomcore |
Geschrieben am 29-12-2008 11:22

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Registriert am: 20 Feb : 22:02
Zitat Error-OS schrieb:
Zitat DarkAmbient schrieb:
I will then ask Peter Andersson of Raison d'?tre, Geir Jennsen of Biosphere, Brett Smith of Caul, Ulf S?derberg of Sephiroth, Johan Levin of Desiderii Marginis, and the guys of Herbst 9.
Oh, if Caul agrees I will shoot myself!
Why?  |
Phelios |
Geschrieben am 29-12-2008 11:57

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Registriert am: 24 Jun : 06:55
Phelios would not exist as a darkambient band without CAUL. So it would be an extraordinary experience to be on one compilation with him. |
Doomcore |
Geschrieben am 29-12-2008 12:20

Beiträge: 308
Registriert am: 20 Feb : 22:02
Oh, thank you for clearing that up... Btw, I love your tracks and those new preview's which you put up on your myspace sound great, especially number 2. Respect!!! |
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 29-12-2008 15:48

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Beiträge: 1130
Registriert am: 08 Feb : 03:48
Zitat Kaesentod-chan schrieb:
Maybe I should get into this one if my music fits your style, a lot of people tell me it's either too noisy, monotonous, and harsh in some tracks and too polished, cute, and short in others.
Seems to me you haven't found your sound yet. Sample 1 is a raw noise thing. Sample 2 starts with an intro, quite promising like it could develop into a valid dark ambient song but then turns into an introverted minimal piano piece. Likewise three with the accustic guitar and the drone -- please don't get mad at me -- which sounds a bit home-made. Don't get me wrong: If it comes from your inner self and expresses your feelings, it's the right music to play. It's all a matter of audience, if you want to release. Minimal stuff isn't easy to do, because there are not so much parameters to get it to the boundaries of the known musical universe. And nothing less has to be the goal when trying to put a CD on the market nowadays.
The question is: What do you do with the critique from thos people? Does it affect you and push you to try something new or are they of no concern to you? Doing music for or in front of an audience is a difficult thing. Not only must you know what kind of music you want to produce, but you need to find your listeners and anticipate what they expect (but you should never completely fulfill these expectations). It's the right balance between individuality and common sense. Avantgarde and pop. Revolutionary new memes and ages-old heritage. Got to position yourself in the field to be recognized. It's true: Some musicians who had success for some reason sold their soul in the process and lost their identity. Some few had so much influence that they warped the field around them and were not able to identify themselves in it any more. Others geniuity was only recognized after their death, because their work was that much incommensurable at that time. These are the possible fates for those dedicating their live to music. Now its your turn to choose. 
Maybe you want to use the comp project as a play ground and maybe something results from it. |
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 29-12-2008 17:08

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Beiträge: 1130
Registriert am: 08 Feb : 03:48
Just got an email from Peter Andersson:
Zitat hi,
thanks for your offer
I have too much things to work on at the moment until summer 2010 so I can't
participate on this, and I have no exclusive tracks ready.
Hope you understand,
/Peter |
vile |
Geschrieben am 29-12-2008 17:29

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Registriert am: 04 Feb : 20:17
I'd be inspired as hell if someone commented my early works the way our admin did! Looking forward to hearing more music from Kaesentod-chan! |