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DAR Compilation Vol. 3
Listen to some soundbites

Review auf Medienkonverter
Review auf Kulturterrorismus
Review on Winter Light blog
Review on Synth&Sequences
Recension sur Guts of Darkness
Review on Damned by Light
Review on Chain D.L.K.

Dark Ambient Radio Vol. 3

Available at your favorite regional mailorder:

Order at Minor Minor
Order at Winter Light Winter Light (NL)
DAR Compilation Vol. 2
Sound samples on MySpace

Review auf Kulturterrorismus
Review auf Necroweb
Rese?a de Mentenebre
Review auf Medienkonverter
Review on Gothtronic
Review auf Club Debil

Dark Ambient Radio Vol. 2

Available at your favorite regional mailorder:

Order at Minor Minor
Order at Winter Light Winter Light (NL)
DAR Compilation Vol. 1
Sound samples on MySpace

Review auf Kulturterrorismus
Review auf Medienkonverter
Review on gothtronic.com
Review auf necroweb.de
Review auf Club Debil
Rese?a de Mentenebre

Compilation includes tracks by Ah Cama-Soz & All Sides, Dark Muse & Nihil Communication, Evoke Scurvee, False Mirror, Megatone, Mytrip, Nagual Art, Phelios, Phobos, Stephen Parsick, and Svartsinn

Available at your favorite mailorder:
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ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread
Secret Druid Society
Arrghhh! It seems that I've found this thread too late...
I was listening this radio every day but just now looked at the forum.

Guys, what is the deadline? Maybe, I'll be able to make something appropriate within 2-3 weeks...
Secret Druid Society
Ok, now I see the small note about the date below the announcement... ((
Arkhitektur Noir
Hi everyone! I've uploaded my track. Feedbacks are welcome!
Very cool track, A N !
I like it very much!

And I have also uploaded the final version of my track...
Bearbeitet von volador am 06-09-2009 16:32
Arkhitektur Noir
Glad you like it N A.
Nice new sounds!
I've uploaded my final version of Room 101. i hope it's not too long. enjoy.
The wolves must be fed.
hi there guys Smile I hope I'm not too late but I've got a nasty hard disk failure recently. however here is my track:

[Link concealed by admin]

Bearbeitet von DarkAmbient am 06-09-2009 13:14
Hey, this track really great! Good job Smile
The song is sick as a heroin shot right in the eye Grin Threw me in the deepest pits, despite I'm listening to it @ 10:50am...
Arkhitektur Noir
Very good track! Like it very much...
How useful is it to post the urls of the final tracks in the public part of the forum? Everyone can read and download the compilation here before it is released. I suggest we move this thread to the "restricted" part of the forum.

Good news: My track is almost finished. I will perform some mixing today and upload it in the evening.
Track is finished and uploaded to our filden account!
I will upload a .wav version soon. My internet connection is very slow so I will perform this later. Hope you like it.
I guess with Phelios' and Deflax's submissions and the fact that there's 1h30minutes /BG time/ until the end of the deadline we're approaching the voting stage.
Who submitted submitted.... Grin Deadline is over!!! Wink
Stage 1 : finished
Stage 2 is coming
Just waiting for my recovered hard drive to arrive, so I can send around a mailing for the voting. Has been sent out today from Amsterdam. Maybe it will arrive Wednesday or Thursday.
Bearbeitet von DarkAmbient am 07-09-2009 20:07
False Mirror
oh too bad the deadline is already over

i've done several tracks but couldn't decide between them and as i had been really busy during the last weeks I actually forgot about this compilation
Thats sad False Mirror, you make very nice tracks.
Please don't kill me - but we should let him upload his track... I know, over is over but False Mirror is False Mirror, you know? Wink
Agree....False Mirror is False Mirror.... Grin
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20-02-2025 09:40
@Goten Fixed this side effect of the new php version. Note: In Firefox (or IceCat) any stream link with a semicolon at the end will play directly in the browser, here http://s3.viastrea

19-02-2025 20:48
Hello! No more links for streaming with Firefox? Shock My favourite radio station for over ten years...

15-02-2025 23:54
Looks good!

10-02-2025 17:03
The webspace transfer included some kind of archaeological reconstruction. Bear with me.

17-01-2025 13:24
Going to move the webspace. If something behaves weird the next days, you know why.

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