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DAR Compilation Vol. 3
Listen to some soundbites

Review auf Medienkonverter
Review auf Kulturterrorismus
Review on Winter Light blog
Review on Synth&Sequences
Recension sur Guts of Darkness
Review on Damned by Light
Review on Chain D.L.K.

Dark Ambient Radio Vol. 3

Available at your favorite regional mailorder:

Order at Minor Minor
Order at Winter Light Winter Light (NL)
DAR Compilation Vol. 2
Sound samples on MySpace

Review auf Kulturterrorismus
Review auf Necroweb
Rese?a de Mentenebre
Review auf Medienkonverter
Review on Gothtronic
Review auf Club Debil

Dark Ambient Radio Vol. 2

Available at your favorite regional mailorder:

Order at Minor Minor
Order at Winter Light Winter Light (NL)
DAR Compilation Vol. 1
Sound samples on MySpace

Review auf Kulturterrorismus
Review auf Medienkonverter
Review on gothtronic.com
Review auf necroweb.de
Review auf Club Debil
Rese?a de Mentenebre

Compilation includes tracks by Ah Cama-Soz & All Sides, Dark Muse & Nihil Communication, Evoke Scurvee, False Mirror, Megatone, Mytrip, Nagual Art, Phelios, Phobos, Stephen Parsick, and Svartsinn

Available at your favorite mailorder:
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ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread
Hey all,

Thomas invited my to this (big) thread about the upcoming vol 2 compilation today, he seems to be a little confused, probably confused me with somebody elso...so he forgot to tell me about this thread, we talked late 2008 about a compilation.
Well, if there is still some free place, i would like to participate with my band WACH:

I also offered already to Thomas if he would need some artworkdesign i will be glad to help (because in my opionen, that lacks really in Vol1), and of course, i offer to do the artwork design for this compilation if you still need a helping hand.
If not, nevermind it Smile
well, here are some works i have done:

duedate is really fine, if you need it faster its also no problem.


Svartsinn schrieb:
And the Mac will be sold today, so I will also use a new fresh PC and ...


Veeeery good! :-) Which soundcard are you going to use? I have the new MOTU 828mkIII and I am very satisfied with it.


Veeeery good! :-) Which soundcard are you going to use? I have the new MOTU 828mkIII and I am very satisfied with it.

Heavy gadget, Martin. Do you really need all the features? 8O

Update: I mailed with Herman and it seems Ah Cama-Sotz will contribute a track. Cisfinitum is interested as well.
That's good news Smile

I am sorry I cannot contribute a sample for the remix thing... I have a lot to do at the moment. But I will begin to work for a track for Vol. 2 and I am very looking forward to hear what you do, guys Smile


DarkAmbient schrieb:


Veeeery good! :-) Which soundcard are you going to use? I have the new MOTU 828mkIII and I am very satisfied with it.

Heavy gadget, Martin. Do you really need all the features? 8O

No, I just spent so much money to have all the tiny knobs and LEDs in order to impress my cat.


Phelios schrieb:
No, I just spent so much money to have all the tiny knobs and LEDs in order to impress my cat.

impressive indeed, all the moving and illuminate colors in the dark Smile
Bearbeitet von tnc am 27-01-2009 21:48
Im in!
And another update: Dahlia's Tear is busy with a new release i.t.m. but would like to start working on a track for the comp in summer.
That's nice, quite an inspiring project Dahlia Tear is Smile


vile schrieb:
That's nice, quite an inspiring project Dahlia Tear is Smile


Hello. I don't know if i'm too late, but want to put my music forward:
let me know what you think, is it eligible for the vol. 2?
Bearbeitet von Lycopolis am 02-02-2009 23:45
It would be highly welcome -- after all that babble -- if all the details for the compilation (deadlines, maximum playing time etc.) would be subsumized here once more, perhaps in a thread no-one can reply to. Just facts, nothing else.

Also, it would be highly welcome if all contributing artists would stick to one coherent way of presenting their music, i. e. coherent liner notes which get some proof-reading as well...


"Wer sich am kommerziellen Musikgeschmack orientiert, dient der Reaktion." (Einst?rzende Neubauten, 1981)


Tektonik schrieb:
It would be highly welcome -- after all that babble -- if all the details for the compilation (deadlines, maximum playing time etc.) would be subsumized here once more, perhaps in a thread no-one can reply to. Just facts, nothing else.

Also, it would be highly welcome if all contributing artists would stick to one coherent way of presenting their music, i. e. coherent liner notes which get some proof-reading as well...


Lycopolis: No, you are not too late.

Tektonik: You think of some sort of table with all projects with myspace profile url or website? I could compile it and add it to the news entry on the start page. Maybe with this columns: project name, url, real name(s), user names on this web site, upcoming releases or recent ones with date? Or what information are you thinking of? Or do you mean a form to send in an application for participating?

PS: Ok, have put the list of participants to the news entry. Check the info for participants as well!
Bearbeitet von DarkAmbient am 04-02-2009 18:36
No myspace, please. I hate myspace and believe it?s one of the most pointless wastes of time on the internet. I was just thinking of a read-only subforum on DAR where all details are subsumized.


Um?s nochmal auf Deutsch zu sagen: Kein Laberthread, wo Leute irgendeinen Unfug sabbeln, der nicht zum Thema geh?rt, sondern nur die Eckdaten f?r Vol. 2, also Deadline, maximale L?nge des Tracks etc., und das alles unkommentierbar und sofort einsehbar.

Bearbeitet von Tektonik am 04-02-2009 21:39
"Wer sich am kommerziellen Musikgeschmack orientiert, dient der Reaktion." (Einst?rzende Neubauten, 1981)
False Mirror
Ok.. now that Thomas noticed me of vol2 (I'didn't get any newsletter - as usual), I'm in as well.
*waving hello*
cool.. thanks for the heads up!
Bearbeitet von singeroi am 20-05-2009 10:40
J Orphic
just to advise that i've uploaded my track "E' Una Presenza" on Fileden.com

wonderful! thanks for the info..
Bearbeitet von cricky am 21-07-2009 17:40
The track is very good! Smile
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20-02-2025 09:40
@Goten Fixed this side effect of the new php version. Note: In Firefox (or IceCat) any stream link with a semicolon at the end will play directly in the browser, here http://s3.viastrea

19-02-2025 20:48
Hello! No more links for streaming with Firefox? Shock My favourite radio station for over ten years...

15-02-2025 23:54
Looks good!

10-02-2025 17:03
The webspace transfer included some kind of archaeological reconstruction. Bear with me.

17-01-2025 13:24
Going to move the webspace. If something behaves weird the next days, you know why.

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