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DAR Compilation Vol. 3
Listen to some soundbites

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Recension sur Guts of Darkness
Review on Damned by Light
Review on Chain D.L.K.

Dark Ambient Radio Vol. 3

Available at your favorite regional mailorder:

Order at Minor Minor
Order at Winter Light Winter Light (NL)
DAR Compilation Vol. 2
Sound samples on MySpace

Review auf Kulturterrorismus
Review auf Necroweb
Rese?a de Mentenebre
Review auf Medienkonverter
Review on Gothtronic
Review auf Club Debil

Dark Ambient Radio Vol. 2

Available at your favorite regional mailorder:

Order at Minor Minor
Order at Winter Light Winter Light (NL)
DAR Compilation Vol. 1
Sound samples on MySpace

Review auf Kulturterrorismus
Review auf Medienkonverter
Review on gothtronic.com
Review auf necroweb.de
Review auf Club Debil
Rese?a de Mentenebre

Compilation includes tracks by Ah Cama-Soz & All Sides, Dark Muse & Nihil Communication, Evoke Scurvee, False Mirror, Megatone, Mytrip, Nagual Art, Phelios, Phobos, Stephen Parsick, and Svartsinn

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DAR vol 4 (bandcamp)
Hello everyone,

some of you might remember me as Phobos from DAR vol 1 and 2, but since than I decided to change a name because there were lots of Phobos' releasing music so I changed a project name to Frozen Thoughts, released an album on Glacial Movements, etc etc.

Anyway, as we discussed via email, it would be really nice to work on DAR vol 4 compilation which will be bandcamp digital release only, no cds to cut the expenses down and make everything more easy for everyone.

So, my suggestions are:
- style: pure dark ambient
- 10 tracks from 10 different artists -> maybe 15 if there is really a big amount of high quality work, but I am more for 10...so, one track per artist
- there should be internal vote between participants which tracks will appear on the compilation (I believe we had something like this for vol2?)
- try to mix your tracks as best possible before mastering (if you need help, ask - its really important in this day and age that your music is balanced and has certain audio quality to it)
- mastering -> we can maybe give our tracks to be mastered for final touch by Atrium Carceri (from Cryo Chamber) or Ah Cama Sotz as before, we can vote on this one as well
- artwork -> I am not an expert on this one, so maybe someone can suggest an artist?
- if owner of Dark ambient radio is still interested, maybe he should lead the financial part of the project (bandcamp, royalties, marketing, etc), because he has done a great job so far and always was transparent, but its up to him to decide. If anyone else wants to step up, pls say so.
- suggestion on digital album price on bandcamp should be anywhere between 8 to 12 euros, what do you guys think?

So, if anyone else has something to add, pls, do so.

And if this project comes to life (I hope it will), I am signing my self down to participate in this one and gonna do my best to do a great dark ambient song.

Thanks and good luck!

Frozen Thoughts
I surely can't compete with a 'real' label in terms of marketing, but I will do what I can to keep it together with a little help from the participants.

I'd say, first let's see what we can achieve before we talk about the price. If we manage to release a comp full of polished masterpieces that redefine what people once thought about dark ambient, 12 ? would be ok. For a collection of hearable, interesting, experimental, rather raw stuff, it also could be 3? / 'name your price'. I'm sure we will find a consensus as soon as we are finished producing. But let's not to raise the bar to a level most won't reach and just start to happily glue ideas together and see what hatches from it. Cool


DarkAmbient schrieb:
...If we manage to release a comp full of polished masterpieces that redefine what people once thought about dark ambient...

More seriously, you are so humble Thomas, but I know you are a very wise person and you are the one for this task.
On the other hand, I like the idea of collective work, each contributing ideas for a greater achievement.
For this new compilation I'm sure we will all do our best.
So, anyone who wants to join, pls write here. Basically, there's 3 of us atm. Smile The more the merrier! Cool
I just sent a mailing to the 18 projects that were interested in becoming part of Vol. 4 back in 2014.
Cyborg Project
I am interested..
Of course I'm in !
I have no problems doing a release with us four. This could be more of a split release than a comp -- or we might decide to have more collab tracks.
I vote for wait some reasonable time to get more tracks in. If no more participants appear then we will go with the tracks we have.

Yes, more time would be good. Then I am in too.
I think I could get a track done for this.
The more, the merrier!

There is no need to get a track done in a haste -- but the deadline should not be too far away, so the project doesn't fall asleep again.

Maybe it would be a good idea, if we don't have a deadline yet but try to find a starting point and play with ideas without pressure and have each of us report after one or two months what one has achieved so far, so we can synchronize. Good idea?
It would be nice if we could get Phelios on board Smile
Would also be nice to get some newcomers on board. (But maybe the concept of web radio or web forum isn't apealing enough for millenials.) Smile

Honestly: This forum isn't as alive as it once was. What do you think: Do we better need a Signal, Matrix, Slack, Discord, Telegram, or Whatsever group to not stay outdated?

On the other hand: The web is still the primary collective archive of the internet...
I like forum's form. New things are appealing, right-now and all the goodness of new communication technology but this is pure lovely old school. Cool
Newcomers will be welcome too. Old and new blood.


I'm the new one here. a few days ago i wrote thomas an email to the admin and presented my music. since i would like to contribute to the dar sampler, he asked me for a "hello" in the thread.

Hello Smile
Hi Grin
hello everyone - I am interested but I am not quite sure if I really hit the bar of "classic dark ambient". Most outside listeners consider the stuff as "Dark Ambient" - dark ambient listeners call it more drone/experimental. But I am will to partcipate. Thomas/Admin knows some of my stuff so let me know if you consider this.Wink
Hi all! Compiling some tracks to a meaningful playlist -- and in a way composing a single track -- is the art of providing elements the listener knows together with elements that surprises and challenges the listener in a good way. It makes a difference if the surprises come from ignorance and random eclecticism or from knowing the codes of different styles before intelligently transcending a style at some point to combine elements from different styles. Having said this, I wouldn't cling overly to the request of providing a pure dark ambient track, if you are able to transcend it.
Bearbeitet von DarkAmbient am 12-03-2021 10:54
Not very busy here in the forum. Is the project about to fall to sleep again?... Cool

Although I got a few emails expressing interest and there were even some ideas on how things could work out. Especially to fertalize collaboration instead of only dropping single-project tracks:
- collaboration lottery: use an external randomness generator to periodically determine two projects to try to work on a track together; e.g. astronomical events or a real national lottery somewhere,
- one 70 minutes track all of us can contribute to freely.

Of course, this would raise the question how we can exchange clips or arrangements on a technical level... Any suggestions? What do you think about collaboration at all?
Bearbeitet von DarkAmbient am 17-07-2021 12:49
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20-02-2025 09:40
@Goten Fixed this side effect of the new php version. Note: In Firefox (or IceCat) any stream link with a semicolon at the end will play directly in the browser, here http://s3.viastrea

19-02-2025 20:48
Hello! No more links for streaming with Firefox? Shock My favourite radio station for over ten years...

15-02-2025 23:54
Looks good!

10-02-2025 17:03
The webspace transfer included some kind of archaeological reconstruction. Bear with me.

17-01-2025 13:24
Going to move the webspace. If something behaves weird the next days, you know why.

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