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DAR Compilation Vol. 3
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Review on Chain D.L.K.

Dark Ambient Radio Vol. 3

Available at your favorite regional mailorder:

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DAR Compilation Vol. 2
Sound samples on MySpace

Review auf Kulturterrorismus
Review auf Necroweb
Rese?a de Mentenebre
Review auf Medienkonverter
Review on Gothtronic
Review auf Club Debil

Dark Ambient Radio Vol. 2

Available at your favorite regional mailorder:

Order at Minor Minor
Order at Winter Light Winter Light (NL)
DAR Compilation Vol. 1
Sound samples on MySpace

Review auf Kulturterrorismus
Review auf Medienkonverter
Review on gothtronic.com
Review auf necroweb.de
Review auf Club Debil
Rese?a de Mentenebre

Compilation includes tracks by Ah Cama-Soz & All Sides, Dark Muse & Nihil Communication, Evoke Scurvee, False Mirror, Megatone, Mytrip, Nagual Art, Phelios, Phobos, Stephen Parsick, and Svartsinn

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Making music and gettin? started
Apart from making music with a native instrument I always wanted to do something electronic. This post is as noobish as it gets, but then, nobody has to reply, right?: ) But maybe this is interesting for others well.
However: since I started with renoise and really don?t like to mess around only with software I consider buying a synthie and get into some software for recording and, in generell, see, where it leads me, if I develop enough passion to do it serious and so one. So: any suggestions where to start? Which "hardware" you would suggest for the beginning? That is not expensive, but offers enough to have fun with? And which software? A virtaul studio for example. For the beginning, I just use Audacity. So then I am able to record something. But then, what else? Maybe a music programm additionally? But a cheap one ...just to see if all works out and then, little by little, one can see, if there is enough motivation to dig deeper and spend for money. Blabla...Which hardware would you recomment, which soundcard might be appropiate and so on. Maybe someone of you has the dedication and give one or two insights in his experience. Yeah, I know, I could browse the web and see for myself. But I am asking here : P
However, thanks in advance.
There is no easy answer to your question. First of all you ought to find out for yourself *what* exactly you want to do on a musical and timbral level -- and go from there. XY or WZ might be the worst thing for you if you got AB in mind -- even if they work perfctly for me.

"Wer sich am kommerziellen Musikgeschmack orientiert, dient der Reaktion." (Einst?rzende Neubauten, 1981)
Secret Druid Society
What about software, it is all about personal preference... Audacity is probably the best out of free stuff. Also I heard some people like Ardour. And each person at the end has his or her own favourite... Just try out demo versions and see where you feel it is easier to navigate etc. I use Cubase, other popular are Reaper, Fruity Loops, Reason (which doesn't support vst) and many more... FL would be a nice choise if you are going to make rhythmical music - the latest version is very cool indeed, but I find it inconvenient to work there with non-repetitive atmospheric tracks which DA mostly is about.

What about hardware - I can't imagine doing anything without keyboard (it can be just a very basic midi keyboard to play vsti's). You can get a keyboard with some knobs/controls or a separate midi controller to have an interactive control over your effects, sound evolution etc. And of course a nice sound card would be very useful - there are some cheap but good options out there... Hardware synth is too individual - can't say anything, there are lots of options from DIY stuff (which sometimes happen to be quite amazing) to pro synths which cost heaps. You always can check for demos on youtube...

Anyway, for start you can just download tons of free vsti's and play with them until you understand what you want next, you can do that without having anything from above (you can even use your computer keyboard instead of a real one ha-ha).

PS: really helpful would be to say in which musical style you are going to explore
Bearbeitet von Secret Druid Society am 17-04-2011 13:17
Thank you for the replies so far. One the hand hand I plan to do some spacy ambient stuff, more the darker one (Collapsar, Tholen, Lustmord and the like). And something else I want to do is some tribal-industrial stuff, though the drums and percussions I plan to play with native instruments. Maybe a mixture between This Morn Omina and Gocoo or Yamato.

About software: I am already trying out some demos and yes, there surely is not much to say about it. I just have to dig deeper to get to a certain point of enlightenment to judge which program suits me well.

I already checked some videos on youtube of some hardware synths, but I guess I just have to visit a local store and have a conversation with the guys there. It was just that maybe some of you have some hardware synths and can recommend it for dark moody stuff. I know that in the end I have to decide for myself, of course. Was just asking for some impressions.

About the keyboard of my laptop instead of a real one: Yeah, I already used this when working with Renoise. And guess what: I don?t like it ^^
When it comes to creating sounds and so on, then I think, it motivates more when I have something in front of me to touch, press, turn etc. However..thank you.
Learn the nuts and bolts of sound synthesis, sound sampling, various approaches to synthesis (additve, subtractive, granular, physical modelling, what have you). Learn how to come to grips with your instruments. Get yourself some field recording equipment. Learn how to use the studio as a musical instrument. Limit yourself to just one instrument and learn it by heart. It?s limitations that force you to be creative, as Brian Eno once said it so nicely.

I?ve been making music for nearly thirty years now, and I still consider myself a beginner.

"Wer sich am kommerziellen Musikgeschmack orientiert, dient der Reaktion." (Einst?rzende Neubauten, 1981)
I agree. It's surely nice to download hundreds of soft synths and play some demo sounds on them. But this wouldn't help you much creating something unique at some point in the future. I have chosen a Virus TI to delve deep into its circuits and am very happy with it. With its VST plugin & graqphic user interface together with a DAW it works as well as stand alone with just a headphone plugged into it for mere sound creation. If you don't want to spend the money, a soft synth is neccessary, i.e. Absynth.

For rythmic music there is one DAW left to be mentioned: Ableton live. I do use Cubase 3 SX because it has MIDI and multichannel bus support. But a simple multitrack recorder like Audacity should do for a certain approach to create non-rythmic music.

For a long time, I used to underestimate the usefulness of good high resulution monitors -- just to mention this. Only recently I got me some old Event 20/20 BAS (5.1 setup). Of course you need a location where you can operate them at a decent volume level. I'm sharing a band room to avoid complaints from my neighbours.


Tektonik schrieb:
Learn the nuts and bolts of sound synthesis, sound sampling, various approaches to synthesis (additve, subtractive, granular, physical modelling, what have you).

Maybe some readings?

A lot of talk about software, hardware and literature, I don't think I have so much to add but something that hasn't been discussed yet:

My personal advice - NEVER DELETE something you have recorded. Archive your projects, hide them in folders if you are afraid someone might find them and laugh at you but never delete them. Sometimes the best ideas are the most impulsive one, the one that appear when we're learning something not when we think deeply about it or consider it from a more professional point of view. Keeping track of your development is really something to be considered important for your growth as a musician.

In this sense, I really recommend maintaining a well organized file structure (something I personally barely do). These are really basic things but they help you create from your music something homogeneous with a basis that you have built on your own. And this is quite a step in creating your personal style and approach to music.


vile schrieb:

My personal advice - NEVER DELETE something you have recorded.

This is true! Wink
Secret Druid Society
Yeah, if that's Lustmord etc, then some field recording devise would be useful... And out of vsti, I agree about Absynth, also I enjoy FM8... and in general everything from NI is very nice. But again it is all about your feeling - there are people using real crap to make masterpieces by doing it their way!
Secret Druid Society
And if you are going to record live instruments get a nice microphone (AKG, Shure, Sennheiser) and don't forget about amplifier. You can't just plug it in directly like an ordinary mic... Sometimes a sound card has one built in, some effect processors have it, it should be in mixers (doesn't seem you need one) or sold separately.


Secret Druid Society schrieb:
And if you are going to record live instruments get a nice microphone (AKG, Shure, Sennheiser) and don't forget about amplifier. You can't just plug it in directly like an ordinary mic... Sometimes a sound card has one built in, some effect processors have it, it should be in mixers (doesn't seem you need one) or sold separately.

Sure. I have played in several bands and know what you need to record the music of a band. But since I would only record drums and percussions, an amplifier is not really necessary.
However, I guess I will look deeply into Cubase and Absynth for know. Having watched videos about Absynth it looks really intuitive. Thanks!
Start making something, dont care about styles , just start making your own stuff .

Personally I would recommend that you first learn all about Synthesis before you buy any hardware synths - maybe read a few books on Synthesis and DL a few softsynths to fully get to grips whith synthesis - It would be wrong to buy a hardware synth before you can fully comprehend synthesis - you might find it to difficult to grasp and waste a lot of money. Another tip, dont buy hardware that everyone else has, i.e. your favorite artist/producer many new artist/producer make the mistake of buy the same gear as their favorite producer/artist thinking they will sound like them - in actual fact it is not the gear you use that makes great piece but the artist behind the gear.

I use Cubase 5 for my sequencing I do use Ableton Live 8 for concerts with some great plugins, Alchemy - Absynth 5 - Gladiator - and more and hardware gear.

I hope that helps?
Bearbeitet von winterbound am 22-04-2011 14:51
Reading is good, but tweaking something real at the same time adds some flesh to some otherwise grey theory.

When buying synths, you might want to get yourself something like the Hartmann Neuron VST (the keyboard is a very mighty machine, Mathias Grassow used it a lot) and a Roland V-Synth keyboard (Rev. 1, the GT doesn?t seem to be that interesting). A simple sampler like the Emu ESI 4000 can be had for little money as well, it?s easy to operate, and it sounds good. Get yourself a small Behringer mixer and a Lexicon MX-200 (or whatever it is called like), and you should be covered for a start. The rest will follow.

Just my thoughts, of course.

"Wer sich am kommerziellen Musikgeschmack orientiert, dient der Reaktion." (Einst?rzende Neubauten, 1981)
Anyone doing field recording? And if so, which gears do you use? Any experiences with Yamaha Pocketrak C24/W24?
No experience with the stuff you listed. I use a Tascam HD-P2 in combination with either a Crown SASS-P Mk. 2 or some small-diaphragm condenser mics attached to a Jecklin OSS disc for the elaborate stuff. For acoustic snapshots, I use the Zoom H1.

"Wer sich am kommerziellen Musikgeschmack orientiert, dient der Reaktion." (Einst?rzende Neubauten, 1981)
Ruslan Gulevich


DarkAmbient schrieb:
I agree. It's surely nice to download hundreds of soft synths and play some demo sounds on them. But this wouldn't help you much creating something unique at some point in the future. I have chosen a Virus TI to delve deep into its circuits and am very happy with it. With its VST plugin & graqphic user interface together with a DAW it works as well as stand alone with just a headphone plugged into it for mere sound creation. If you don't want to spend the money, a soft synth is neccessary, i.e. Absynth.

For rythmic music there is one DAW left to be mentioned: Ableton live. I do use Cubase 3 SX because it has MIDI and multichannel bus support. But a simple multitrack recorder like Audacity should do for a certain approach to create non-rythmic music.

For a long time, I used to underestimate the usefulness of good high resulution monitors -- just to mention this. Only recently I got me some old Event 20/20 BAS (5.1 setup). Of course you need a location where you can operate them at a decent volume level. I'm sharing a band room to avoid complaints from my neighbours.

Thomas, and how your project is called?
There is no name because there is no result I would dare to bother the world with -- at least yet.

I.t.m. I mainly work on surround mixes fed by others works, hoping that, at some point, I got enough stuff to start a test stream.
Ruslan Gulevich


DarkAmbient schrieb:
There is no name because there is no result I would dare to bother the world with -- at least yet.

I.t.m. I mainly work on surround mixes fed by others works, hoping that, at some point, I got enough stuff to start a test stream.

To reach a wider audience, I post here again in English.
Just wanted to know about your monitors: is a subwoofer essential? What do you use or recommend? Or are 2 monitor with 8 inch sufficient?

Thank you.
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20-02-2025 09:40
@Goten Fixed this side effect of the new php version. Note: In Firefox (or IceCat) any stream link with a semicolon at the end will play directly in the browser, here http://s3.viastrea

19-02-2025 20:48
Hello! No more links for streaming with Firefox? Shock My favourite radio station for over ten years...

15-02-2025 23:54
Looks good!

10-02-2025 17:03
The webspace transfer included some kind of archaeological reconstruction. Bear with me.

17-01-2025 13:24
Going to move the webspace. If something behaves weird the next days, you know why.

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