ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 26-12-2008 15:12

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Maybe it's time to start to think loud about the concept for the 'Dark Ambient Radio Vol. 2' compilation.
As for volume 1, it can be thought of as a community product resulting from a collective process around this web radio. If you are into Dark Ambient sort of music and developed your music production skills beyond just playing around with some sound generators and effects (something I myself haven't achieved yet), consider contributing a track.
The creators of Vol 1 already had some thoughts about Vol 2 in their restricted forum space. To cut it short:
- only tracks that were exclusively produced for the comp should be on it,
- technical as well as artistic quality should meet standards already achieved by vol 1,
- number of discs to be produced: 500
There was also a discussion about benefits and disadvantages to produce a DVD-Audio including a 5.1 surround track, where the one speaking in favor for the idea was slightly outnumbered. (Yes, it was me who brought up the topic, combining realism and megalomania )
Speaking fo realism: deadline could be autumn 2009...
Think of all this not as facts, but as discussion in progress.
Don't send me messages. I am only the website admin. Everything concerning the comp vol 2 should be discussed in public. When time comes, I will open a forum space and assign all those to it who expressed their interest here in this thread to participate in Vol 2.
So that noone is excluded, language in this thread is English.
Looking forward to hear your enthusiastic "I'm in!" and wish those of you a creative and productive 2009! |
CrepusculaR |
Geschrieben am 27-12-2008 06:31

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Im in!
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 27-12-2008 07:27

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Registriert am: 08 Feb : 03:48
Welcome on board!
Just to vitalize this thread: What is your opinion about the status quo of the discussion (kind of tracks that should be on the cd, quality assurance, number to be produced, 5.1, deadline)? |
Phelios |
Geschrieben am 27-12-2008 09:08

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I would contibute a track again. But I have no experience in 5.1 audio and to be honst: I HATE 5.1 audio in general . So it?s highly unlikely that I will produce a 5.1 track. But if vol.2 will be a 5.1 project I could export the tracks from my sequencer so that someone else could make a 5.1 remix out of it. That could be an option for those who don?t have the time / knowledge / equipment to do a 5.1 mix. We would need someone doing the whole 5.1 mixing stuff.
I think that this would make the compilation into something special and extraordinary! |
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 27-12-2008 09:37

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Would be interesting to know: why do you hate 5.1? What kind of music did lead to this reluctance? |
Tektonik |
Geschrieben am 27-12-2008 10:14

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Registriert am: 25 Feb : 19:46
I for one can?t say I *hate* 5.1 (that would imply I loved it once upon a time) but I believe that all these psycho-acoustic tricks implied on the music don?t really work well all the time. They falsify the signal to some extent, and also, it is just a hip thing to sell to people who want to listen to music via their home cinema installation. This is pretty idle... and if your 5.1 system comes from ALDI, you can?t expect it to sound overwhelmingly great, either. This is "consumer" stuff... stuff for people who would also claim McDonald?s making tasty food.
You can create a 5.1 audio CD if you?ve got the time to, or are commissioned to, but generally, this type of thing is only done by major companies as a bonus (think the bonus discs of the most recent albums by Einst?rzende Neubauten... "hey, look, we can do that as well, but we won?t for the entire length of one album..." .
I for one wouldn?t want to have somebody mess with my music just to make it compatible to 5.1 Surround audio. I have no expertise as to how to do this, either, and I?m sure quite a few others don?t, either, so this might become a dead-end street. If you don?t know what you?re doing, you might as well spoil the whole effort. The Dutchman in me says "keep it simple, then it will be fancy enough".
My point is, and I?m quite sure some people will agree with me here, spend more effort on the sleeve design and coherent sleeve notes and have someone professional do the sleeve design properly. This is money well spent in my book. Most people I sent the DARC Vol. 1 album to for a review felt *put off* by the ghastly sleeve design, as they called it. Hadn?t it been for my name on the sleeve, they probably wouldn?t have listened to it at all... and liked most of what they heard!
And, after all, the best type of psycho-acoustic treatment any music can have is Dolby THC, of which the level can be adjusted individually...
Bearbeitet von Tektonik am 27-12-2008 10:15
"Wer sich am kommerziellen Musikgeschmack orientiert, dient der Reaktion." (Einst?rzende Neubauten, 1981)
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 27-12-2008 11:42

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Good statement. Although some points most certainly were brought up against other innovations like CD-Audio, I can accept your opinion. Future will tell us... |
Tektonik |
Geschrieben am 27-12-2008 11:46

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Registriert am: 25 Feb : 19:46
In order to make financing easier, I would suggest that every contributing musician will have to pay a small fee, just to take the burden off of your shoulders.
"Wer sich am kommerziellen Musikgeschmack orientiert, dient der Reaktion." (Einst?rzende Neubauten, 1981)
volador |
Geschrieben am 27-12-2008 12:39

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I agree with the fee! As you wrote already, we must find a GOOD artist for the sleeve design and artwork in general. That's a *very* important thing!
As Tektonik said, people decide first with their eyes...
Volador. |
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 27-12-2008 12:44

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Zitat Tektonik schrieb:
In order to make financing easier, I would suggest that every contributing musician will have to pay a small fee, just to take the burden off of your shoulders.
I would appreciate this. But is it realistic to ask for it? Some may be broke and some simply don't want to talk about money.
Another question, we still have to discuss, is about how loud to beat the drums. Will we sit here in this thread, waiting for artists finding it by chance? Should I send a mailing to all registered users of this website? Maybe ask some selected artists that are played here quite much? At least I think those who are connected to our distributors should be asked explicitely, like Ren? of Inade/Loki or Stephan of Troum/Drone Records. And how do we get along with all of DAR's myspace friends? Some are definitely frequent listeners (partially without an user account here). And some are clearly spam friends, only requesting friendship for promotional purposes without caring about the radio or the genre Dark Ambient at all. I used to add 99% of all requests.
Bearbeitet von DarkAmbient am 27-12-2008 12:56
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 27-12-2008 13:00

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Zitat volador schrieb:
I agree with the fee! As you wrote already, we must find a GOOD artist for the sleeve design and artwork in general. That's a *very* important thing!
As Tektonik said, people decide first with their eyes...
Ronny of Front already offered to create a design...
We could do a contest on this website...
Bearbeitet von DarkAmbient am 27-12-2008 13:04
Phelios |
Geschrieben am 27-12-2008 13:06

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Registriert am: 24 Jun : 06:55
Zitat DarkAmbient schrieb:
Would be interesting to know: why do you hate 5.1? What kind of music did lead to this reluctance?
1: Humans usually have two ears. So why bother with more than two speakers?
2: A really good stereo-hifi system can create EVERY POSSIBLE acoustic impression and tell your brain where an instument is located. Listen to high quality recordings of classical music on a high quality system - close your eyes and you sit within the orchestra.
3: Most producers (me included) have a hard time creating a GOOD stereo mix. It is a hell of a job to make it right if you try to reach a high level instead of the usual crap. 5.1 is even more complicated and I really don?t think that anyone of us has the experience and knowledge to perform a satisfying 5.1 mix.
4: Most people have crappy 5.1 systems. Usually they are neither calibrated nor setup correctly... "lets put this little one between the flowers and that behind the books".
5. I have not listened to any music in 5.1 which sounded better than the 2.0 version. Only the "ooh, there is a spooky sound coming from behind"-effect makes it appear something special.
What the old man wants to say:
Focus on a GOOD 2.0 production. Take your time, listen to it over and over again, think about what you really wanted to do and how to achieve it. Whan the result is pleasent be happy and drink some tea. The compilation should be released in autumn 2009. So don?t start the production of your track in September, start it NOW! You have nine months time to make a killer-track which results in a killer-compilation.
Bearbeitet von Phelios am 27-12-2008 13:09
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 27-12-2008 13:35

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Registriert am: 08 Feb : 03:48
Ok, so be it. Maybe we can reconsider this in the future, possibly for Vol 5(.1). 
How about the master format? Could we agree on 32bit/96kHz? So if the comp doesn't fit on a CD or 2CD, we would have the option to produce a 24bit/96kHz stereo DVD (not DVD-Audio) which can be played back in really any DVD player, even the oldest ones. |
Doomcore |
Geschrieben am 27-12-2008 14:32

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Registriert am: 20 Feb : 22:02
I am in too guys, but I am only able to do stereo mix....and I always piss blood when I make it. 5.1 would be overkill for me and I don't have equipment for it....  |
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 27-12-2008 14:50

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Registriert am: 08 Feb : 03:48
Well, that makes five. We already got the CD half full... 
If we could discuss the 'beating the drum' question a bit further?..
Or to put it that way: Whom would you like to have on the comp next to your track?  |
volador |
Geschrieben am 27-12-2008 18:35

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Registriert am: 14 Jul : 09:52
Sorry, did you count me? |
megatone |
Geschrieben am 27-12-2008 19:11

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Registriert am: 07 Okt : 12:23
I would enjoy making another track, this time something more tonal, involving my skills in neoclassical music and with some good sound design. But I don't know if there is still place for me. |
DarkAmbient |
Geschrieben am 27-12-2008 19:48

Seiten Administrator
Beiträge: 1130
Registriert am: 08 Feb : 03:48
Zitat volador schrieb:
Sorry, did you count me?
Yes, you used the word 'we', so I implied you want to participate.
Zitat megatone schrieb:
I would enjoy making another track, this time something more tonal, involving my skills in neoclassical music and with some good sound design. But I don't know if there is still place for me.
Sure, I think it's consent that the sole prerequisite should be a a decent quality of your contribution. |
goettel |
Geschrieben am 27-12-2008 20:14

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Registriert am: 16 Jun : 21:22
Sure im in! im Happy to see that the Vol.2 will be a Stereo CD ( maybe DVD) and not a 5.1 mix. I think its like the long discuss about blue ray or DVD. Its possible to look a film in blue ray format and its better but we dont really need it.
I will perform a song for Vol.2 under a new project which is darker than before :-).
vile |
Geschrieben am 27-12-2008 21:43

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Registriert am: 04 Feb : 20:17
Will there be a place for some Mytrip nihilism, this time hopefully not coming up with the shortest track on the compilation  |