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DAR Compilation Vol. 3
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Review on Damned by Light
Review on Chain D.L.K.

Dark Ambient Radio Vol. 3

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DAR Compilation Vol. 2
Sound samples on MySpace

Review auf Kulturterrorismus
Review auf Necroweb
Reseña de Mentenebre
Review auf Medienkonverter
Review on Gothtronic
Review auf Club Debil

Dark Ambient Radio Vol. 2

Available at your favorite regional mailorder:

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DAR Compilation Vol. 1
Sound samples on MySpace

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Review auf Club Debil
Reseña de Mentenebre

Compilation includes tracks by Ah Cama-Soz & All Sides, Dark Muse & Nihil Communication, Evoke Scurvee, False Mirror, Megatone, Mytrip, Nagual Art, Phelios, Phobos, Stephen Parsick, and Svartsinn

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Autor RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread
Technischer Administrator

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Ort: Hamburg
Eingetreten: 08.02.06
Eingetragen auf 29-12-2008 18:59
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Autor RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread

Beiträge: 5
Eingetreten: 29.12.08
Eingetragen auf 29-12-2008 21:07
DarkAmbient schrieb:
Kaesentod-chan schrieb:
Maybe I should get into this one if my music fits your style, a lot of people tell me it's either too noisy, monotonous, and harsh in some tracks and too polished, cute, and short in others.

Seems to me you haven't found your sound yet. Sample 1 is a raw noise thing. Sample 2 starts with an intro, quite promising like it could develop into a valid dark ambient song but then turns into an introverted minimal piano piece. Likewise three with the accustic guitar and the drone -- please don't get mad at me -- which sounds a bit home-made. Don't get me wrong: If it comes from your inner self and expresses your feelings, it's the right music to play. It's all a matter of audience, if you want to release. Minimal stuff isn't easy to do, because there are not so much parameters to get it to the boundaries of the known musical universe. And nothing less has to be the goal when trying to put a CD on the market nowadays.
The biggest reason I make music is to press the boredom away if I'm honest, the big runner up is having an extra piece to listen to. Some label approached me lately for a release and I just told them I'd sent them the files and the artwork and they do what they want with it provided that I get one copy. I also redesigned the web-page of that label later on after finding some structural errors in their HTML code as well as completely re-writing their CMS architecture. This I all did free just to press the boredom away. The response back 'Wow, you're a genius, very original and practical site design.' was nice, but it wouldn't have broken my day if they said it sucked and didn't use as I pressed my boredom away any-how.

The question is: What do you do with the critique from thos people? Does it affect you and push you to try something new or are they of no concern to you? Doing music for or in front of an audience is a difficult thing. Not only must you know what kind of music you want to produce, but you need to find your listeners and anticipate what they expect (but you should never completely fulfill these expectations). It's the right balance between individuality and common sense. Avantgarde and pop. Revolutionary new memes and ages-old heritage. Got to position yourself in the field to be recognized. It's true: Some musicians who had success for some reason sold their soul in the process and lost their identity. Some few had so much influence that they warped the field around them and were not able to identify themselves in it any more. Others geniuity was only recognized after their death, because their work was that much incommensurable at that time. These are the possible fates for those dedicating their live to music. Now its your turn to choose. smiley
'Critique' of people has always left me in apathy, all three tracks are 'finished' as far as I'm concerned. The second track is actually the final part of the track where a track which is entirely dark ambient becomes that piano piece for the last two minutes. I've noticed one thing about the responses of people to my music:

1) People that like 'dark ambient' do not like my 'dark ambient'.
2) People that like 'black metal' do not like my 'black metal'
3) People that like both tend to agree on that my music is 'rather good' to 'brilliant', this includes some of the artist I like.

I don't have any intention to fall into any 'genre', nor will I evade childishly when my tracks do, I acknowledge some could be classed as 'suicidal black metal' and others as 'black ambience'. I have found my 'listeners' or rather-so, they have found me. After my first self-release (which was done because people kept pressuring me to do it) some projects I like proposed splits with me and similar. However I realize that to the majority of people who like dark ambient, my music will indeed unfold as 'boring', I tend to make tracks of around twenty minutes with very subtle variations for one. æon nought is not music that is easy to listen to as the tracks are very static, thirty minute long tracks which repeat riffs for ten minutes long are no abnormality. But I like it this way, the project is 'finished' because I'm pleased with the result, I know people who like the same music I do are just as much, and would they not that wouldn't be of great significance.

'æon nought' is just a project to me, if any person doesn't like it or even hates it that affects me as much as if they hate any random project I like so you don't have to tone it down if you do. (:, words like 'sucks' as how I described the .doc format are okay with me.

Maybe you want to use the comp project as a play ground and maybe something results from it.
I more or less see this as an exercise to 'do some-thing with my life' as I'm the uncrowned king of sitting at home and doing very little with any-thing.

I am by the way a big proponent of free speech, so please, say what's on your mind about my music in what-ever words you desire. 'It's total shit' is an opinion and can be voiced as far as I'm concerned.

Black metal ist Liebe, Liebe für das freie Wort und eine Welt ohne den PKW mit Kindern in der Hinterseite.

vile schrieb:
I'd be inspired as hell if someone commented my early works the way our admin did! Looking forward to hearing more music from Kaesentod-chan! effectively contains the bulk of the graphics, audio, coding, and writing I did thus far.

Bearbeitet von Kaesentod-chan auf 29-12-2008 21:11
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Autor RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread

Beiträge: 47
Eingetreten: 07.10.06
Eingetragen auf 29-12-2008 21:36
I think I would have a problem with providing a 32bit/96khz master. My soundcard supports only 24/96khz. Would a 24/96 master be alright? I can guarantee a good sounding. I already have an idea for a contribution, something with classical/symphonic elements as I practiced a lot this year with several tracks, something in the type of Alien 3 soundtrack, combined with some good customly designed ambiental sounds, with an intense dramatic feel and a deep dark introspective isolationist atmosphere so that it would fit into the dark ambient idiom. The theme that I intend to use is one of the most beautiful romanian fairytales, "Youth without elderness" (Tinerete fara batrinete), about a hero that goes in a quest for eternal youth, but enters the forbidden Valley of Sorrow and so he loses his immortality. It could be an interesting challenge for me, but I think I really could do it.

Bearbeitet von megatone auf 29-12-2008 21:39
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Autor RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread
Technischer Administrator

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Beiträge: 1129
Ort: Hamburg
Eingetreten: 08.02.06
Eingetragen auf 29-12-2008 21:51
Hmm, don't understand. If critique just leaves you in apathy, why would you ask someone to say what's on his mind -- be it in strong words or kind? Wouldn't be very encouraging for me to be responsible for your apathy. smiley Sende Private Message
Autor RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread

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Beiträge: 283
Eingetreten: 14.07.07
Eingetragen auf 29-12-2008 22:02
It is not important that any listeners will find you. It is important that the "power" or the "soul" behind all is finding you and "materializes" through your work! That is the only important thing! But I think it's off topic...
Hm... do you think we will need to produce our tracks in 32bit/96khz?
Volador. Sende Private Message
Autor RE: DAR Comp. II
Ahnst Anders

Beiträge: 10
Ort: Aachen
Eingetreten: 16.02.08
Eingetragen auf 29-12-2008 22:03
Tahnk´s a lot for this friendly and welcome mail...
Yes i would be a part of it. this is really interesting ...
A track is in progress and will arrive soon ...
if anybody here need´s help or has any question .. tell it ...
please stay in touch and contact me. ( colaborations, rmx, sound desingn, or if anybody needs some field recordings anyway :-)) ) hope to hear / read you.

All the best

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Autor RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread
Technischer Administrator

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Beiträge: 1129
Ort: Hamburg
Eingetreten: 08.02.06
Eingetragen auf 29-12-2008 22:11
megatone schrieb:
I think I would have a problem with providing a 32bit/96khz master. My soundcard supports only 24/96khz. Would a 24/96 master be alright?

Sure, 32 bit floats just come in handy for further processing. 24 bit is the standard resolution on asio soundcards. But most software I know does work with 32bit floating point numbers internally. After mixing in your multi-track recording software, sequencer, or whatever, the signal might have actually more than 24bits (e.g a mass of inputs mixed together). This would be reduced again to 24bit and then possible further after mastering. But I dont think anyone can hear the difference between 24bit and 22 bit under normal circumstances -- even if the d/a converter has that much dB. But if your software offers a 32bit export, you should use it.

I can guarantee a good sounding. I already have an idea for a contribution, something with classical/symphonic elements as I practiced a lot this year with several tracks, something in the type of Alien 3 soundtrack, combined with some good customly designed ambiental sounds, with an intense dramatic feel and a deep dark introspective isolationist atmosphere so that it would fit into the dark ambient idiom. The theme that I intend to use is one of the most beautiful romanian fairytales, "Youth without elderness" (Tinerete fara batrinete), about a hero that goes in a quest for eternal youth, but enters the forbidden Valley of Sorrow and so he loses his immortality. It could be an interesting challenge for me, but I think I really could do it.

Curious how that might sound. Cheers! Sende Private Message
Autor RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread

Beiträge: 308
Eingetreten: 20.02.07
Eingetragen auf 29-12-2008 23:02
I can export at 32/96 khz, but it's completely unecessary imo.... smiley For dvd standard is 24/48 khz, cd is dithered from 24/44.1 or 88.2 to 16/44.1....Unless we are going release our tracks on bluray, than we should use higher ''quality''. smiley And I bet 99% of people wont tell the difference betwean 24/44.1 and 32/96....But if you request 32/96, it wont be problem. smiley

Bearbeitet von Doomcore auf 29-12-2008 23:05 Sende Private Message
Autor RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread

Beiträge: 5
Eingetreten: 29.12.08
Eingetragen auf 30-12-2008 03:25
DarkAmbient schrieb:
Hmm, don't understand. If critique just leaves you in apathy, why would you ask someone to say what's on his mind -- be it in strong words or kind? Wouldn't be very encouraging for me to be responsible for your apathy. smiley
Interesting to read what people think of some-thing, where that some-thing may or may not be my project. Compare to 'Hey, what did you think of that film?'

Would it 'hurt' you of some-one said it sucked?

But in this case more to see if it fitted the project of course, to draw it slightly back on topic, as noted, the second excerpt I posted was the end of the track, the entire track sounds roughly like the first part of it, it simply ends in those 'cute' pianoforte melodies. But if my style is too deviant, so be it. I'm going to buy the second one too if it lives up to the former by the way, the samples on myspace sound promising.

I personally wouldn't like 5:1 by the way, I've always felt that these things drift away from 'music' to 'simulation of reality'. Also, I know a fair deal of people præfer music on headphones because of the 'claustrophobic' effect it gives of being completely immersed in the music as if it's playing inside your head. If you use a surround, that effect is voided which to me is rather essential in dark ambient and other 'wall of sound' forms of music. Not sure how many on this board share my view but I've met a couple.
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Autor RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread
Technischer Administrator

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Ort: Hamburg
Eingetreten: 08.02.06
Eingetragen auf 30-12-2008 12:12
Kaesentod-chan schrieb:
Would it 'hurt' you of some-one said it sucked?

It wouldn't hurt me, but I wouldn't find it very helpful and it would disqualify this person to some degree and would show no respect for the effort of others.

If you insist that your tracks develop very slowly, which creates the depth of it, what do you expect from posting those little snippets? If you like Vol. 1, you should keep connected here and simply see what happens. Maybe it will result in a track that perfectly fits in the compilation without abandoning your ideals. Maybe it gives you a reason to create music beyond just fighting boredom and if this fertilizes your creativity in a complete different way so that no track of yours is on the comp, it wouldn't be too bad, would it?

If you use a surround, that effect is voided which to me is rather essential in dark ambient and other 'wall of sound' forms of music. Not sure how many on this board share my view but I've met a couple.

All except me seem to share your view more or less. smiley But I have to admit 5.1 is completely useless or counterproductive, if using headphones, and that it is possible to create very intensive surround effects with stereo. The most recent addition to this stream, Tholen's "Sternklang", is a good example for this. (The one behind Tholen, someone called Eisen, does Dark Ambient as well as Black Metal, by the way. Would be interesting if he would like your music smiley ) Anyhow, 5.1 may be a dead end for music productions. It seems to have quite a bad reputation. Yesterday I received a 5.1 remixed DVD of NIN's "The Downward Spiral". The surround mix (labeled "Dolby Surround" rather than "Dolby Digital" -- which alone shows the dilettantism involved in this product) was nothing less than a catastrophe. If you like, read my Amazon review (in German). With not quite as much dilettantism (at least I think), I am currently experimenting with surround effects that are already involved during sound design and first results are promising (but don't expect results to be heard publicly soon -- if at all). Anyhow, I think the topic 5.1 is off the desk for Vol. 2.

Bearbeitet von DarkAmbient auf 30-12-2008 12:16 Sende Private Message
Autor RE: RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread

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Eingetreten: 11.02.07
Eingetragen auf 30-12-2008 13:32
Count me in for a contribution, as well.

Providing a 32bit/96khz master is fine for me and makes sense for downsizing in the DVD-mastering process IMHO.

5.1 is fine for me as well. I disagree with some opinions claimed here about how useful this format and/or experience is, but that´s definitely not the place here to discuss that.

Advanced fee is also a point I can live with. I´m going to get my copies of Vol.2 for sure, so paying them in advance to get the project rolling would be a breeze.

If you need any technical support regarding printworks (pdf-formats, color-management etc.) drop me a line.

All the best for 2009
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Autor RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread

Beiträge: 5
Eingetreten: 29.12.08
Eingetragen auf 31-12-2008 00:10
DarkAmbient schrieb:
Kaesentod-chan schrieb:
Would it 'hurt' you of some-one said it sucked?

It wouldn't hurt me, but I wouldn't find it very helpful and it would disqualify this person to some degree and would show no respect for the effort of others.
Exactly, same here, I like more extensive elaborations on opinions. Also if one likes it by the way. There is nothing more annoying than people who say 'Donnie Darko' is the best film ever when they've completely misinterpreted it, eheheh.

If you insist that your tracks develop very slowly, which creates the depth of it, what do you expect from posting those little snippets?
Ahaha, good point, I guess I didn't want to... 'bore' people with too lengthly audio, if you're interested: [url=]click[/url] click

If you like Vol. 1, you should keep connected here and simply see what happens. Maybe it will result in a track that perfectly fits in the compilation without abandoning your ideals. Maybe it gives you a reason to create music beyond just fighting boredom and if this fertilizes your creativity in a complete different way so that no track of yours is on the comp, it wouldn't be too bad, would it?
Yeah, I'll guess I'll can stick around here, it would be interesting to see it evolve any-way. As I'm a complete newbie on this field in terms of knowledge about how such things are organized together. And if it doesn't end up on there, I'll just use it for some-thing else.

All except me seem to share your view more or less. smiley But I have to admit 5.1 is completely useless or counterproductive, if using headphones, and that it is possible to create very intensive surround effects with stereo. The most recent addition to this stream, Tholen's "Sternklang", is a good example for this. (The one behind Tholen, someone called Eisen, does Dark Ambient as well as Black Metal, by the way. Would be interesting if he would like your music smiley ) Anyhow, 5.1 may be a dead end for music productions. It seems to have quite a bad reputation. Yesterday I received a 5.1 remixed DVD of NIN's "The Downward Spiral". The surround mix (labeled "Dolby Surround" rather than "Dolby Digital" -- which alone shows the dilettantism involved in this product) was nothing less than a catastrophe. If you like, read my Amazon review (in German). With not quite as much dilettantism (at least I think), I am currently experimenting with surround effects that are already involved during sound design and first results are promising (but don't expect results to be heard publicly soon -- if at all). Anyhow, I think the topic 5.1 is off the desk for Vol. 2.
Yes, 5:1 is good for films, really good. But a lot of people listen to music on headphones solely, especially dark ambient. Still, a DVD probably allows for selecting both tracks, no?

I can remember Tholen liking my music though if I recall correctly, I was never that pleased with Sternklang but his black metal is quite impressive.
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Autor RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread

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Beiträge: 482
Eingetreten: 27.12.08
Eingetragen auf 31-12-2008 05:31
Beyond my growing interest on that field, im really out of 5.1 sound, at least on this times, so I agree with the 'no 5.1 for Vol.2' choice.
(before to get into a full 5.1 sound design I have to learn a lot about that matter)

But I have a question : its possible to include 5.1 tracks together with 'normal' tracks? Maybe on different indexes, i dont know, but for sure that possibility sounds great for a compilation.
Sorry for my 'newbieness'.

:crepuscular: postindustrial ambient music Sende Private Message
Autor RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread

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Beiträge: 399
Ort: Pudding City, Eastern Westphalia
Eingetreten: 25.02.07
Eingetragen auf 31-12-2008 12:20
Why make things unnecessarily complicated?


"Wer sich am kommerziellen Musikgeschmack orientiert, dient der Reaktion." (Einstürzende Neubauten, 1981)
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Autor RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread
Technischer Administrator

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Beiträge: 1129
Ort: Hamburg
Eingetreten: 08.02.06
Eingetragen auf 04-01-2009 13:27
Just got a mail from Johan: Desiderii Marginis won't be on the comp as well. Has someone contacted some other projects? Stephen? Sende Private Message
Autor RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread

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Beiträge: 399
Ort: Pudding City, Eastern Westphalia
Eingetreten: 25.02.07
Eingetragen auf 04-01-2009 14:23
I will not get in touch with anybody, I am not the organizer smiley. Seriously, if there are questions, it´s best to have the man in charge answer them (and elaborate on the details).


"Wer sich am kommerziellen Musikgeschmack orientiert, dient der Reaktion." (Einstürzende Neubauten, 1981)
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Autor RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread
Technischer Administrator

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Ort: Hamburg
Eingetreten: 08.02.06
Eingetragen auf 04-01-2009 16:24
Uh... who is the organizer then? smiley

Jeron of J Orphic mailed me he's not able to post her for some reason but wants to participate. Sende Private Message
Autor RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread
Technischer Administrator

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Beiträge: 1129
Ort: Hamburg
Eingetreten: 08.02.06
Eingetragen auf 07-01-2009 14:12
Another one: Tobias aka Eisen aka Tholen likes to contribute a track (but hes busy in the moment and didn't have the time to register here to tell by himself). Sende Private Message
Autor RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread

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Eingetreten: 12.09.07
Eingetragen auf 07-01-2009 15:20
I will try to contribute again if you want me, if I can make the deadline that is. I am working really slow at the moment. Trying to figure out some new equipment and software after trying out Mac for a change. Maybe I will be forced back to PC, haha. smiley

JR Sende Private Message
Autor RE: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Official Volume 2 Thread

Beiträge: 388
Eingetreten: 04.02.07
Eingetragen auf 07-01-2009 15:36
Svartsinn schrieb:
Maybe I will be forced back to PC, haha. smiley


If you're going to thrash that Mac I can free you from its burden... absolutely for free smiley

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