"... Cold soundscapes, dark droning / industrial ambience. "
CREPUSCULAR - Morgue Arkitektura
01 - Corroded
02 - Panoramic
03 - A Swarm Of Glass Knives
04 - Scavenger
05 - Morgue Arkitektura
06 - Infection
07 - Drowned
recording-mixing: 2018 - 2022 - mastering: 2023
Out now through Essentia Mundi Records : EM059
Essentia Mundi Records : https://www.essentiamundi.com/recordsBearbeitet von CrepusculaR am 27-08-2023 22:21
morgue arkitektura - mindblowing, soulshfting, earblasting )
must have a longer listen tonight, but your featured track at EM is powerful as hell - worth a listen!
FabioKeiner schrieb:
morgue arkitektura - mindblowing, soulshfting, earblasting )
must have a longer listen tonight, but your featured track at EM is powerful as hell - worth a listen!